Daniel Kemshell was born in Aberdeen, Scotland to a Bruneian mother and English father. Focussing on the fields of improvisation, composition and contemporary music on guitar, he has been described as “a very promising soloist” (London Jazz News) and “an impressive young guitarist with a lovely tone.” (Birmingham Jazz).

His latest EP “Impromptus” presents a collaboration with pianist Olly Chalk, featuring five short pieces with compositions by both musicians, showcasing their explorations into duo improvisation and electronic sound-sculpting. It is available to purchase via Bandcamp or music streaming services.

To date, he has worked as a collaborator in an eclectic range from Standard repertoire to electronic music - performing and recording with a variety of artists including Olivia Murphy’s Jazz Orchestra, Xhosa Cole, Olly Chalk, Jasmin Kent Rodgman, Byron Wallen, Jack Banjo’s Snackwall and George Garford. As a session guitarist he has performed and toured with Shadwell Opera, The Royal Shakespeare Company (Julius Caesar 2023) and Roman Lewis. He is a graduate from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire BMus(Hons) Jazz programme, and completed a Masters in performance at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance.